what am i up to?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

happy mardi gras

happy mardi gras everyone.

have a hurricane.

find a baby in a cake (like i did at the office king cake party this morning).

fling some beads.


Friday, February 24, 2006

this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...

we celebrate becky o'donohue. becky - you won't be my next american idol because no matter what the beer commercials say about "twins" - your maxim spread with your sister is just really, really nasty...

we celebrate patrick hall. patrick - you won't be my next american idol because no married man should wear a pink shirt while performing a song originally recorded by a lesbian...

we celebrate stevie scott. stevie - you won't be my next american idol because orange eye shadow and red lipstick is a horrible combination for any complexion...

we celebrate bobby bennett. bobby - you won't be my next american idol because watching you have a heart attack on stage might traumatize my 8 year old...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

hang him...

'nuf said...

missing birds part of ad campaign

the company behind the billboards with the missing cardninal birds has admitted that the vandalism was part of an advertising campaign.

i'm still trying to figure out the point...

Monday, February 20, 2006

cardinals billboards disgraced...

6 billboards advertising the st. louis cardinals in the st. louis area have been butchered! over the weekend someone cut the red cardinal birds off of their bats. i saw one of the butched billboards yesterday.

if this is someone's idea of a joke - it's totally lame. is it a cubs fan? an opponant to the new stadium? someone who got bad service at mike shannon's?

someone get elliot davis on the job! he'll get to the bottom of it! he can get to the bottom of anything!!

local police face scrutiny

lately there has been several stories in the news about the local police. some involve car chases that end in crashes that result in death and injuries of innocent bystanders . some involve car chases that end in police beatings or excessive force. some involve officers facing charges from shooting suspects. there was even one that involved police shooting and killing a suspect who shot at them first and wounded an officer (i just can't find a link).

everytime one of these stories break - you immediately have the families out there saying the police are crossing the lines. they shouldn't be chasing. they shouldn't have shot. their family member didn't deserve to die. the family member wouldn't have shot through the door at police if he knew it was police at the door. it's always about what the police should or shouldn't have done differently.

how about what the other person should or shouldn't have done differently.

if a police officer puts on his sirens - you pull over. simple as that. pull over. stop. off to the right. you don't drive away. you don't speed up and try to get away. you don't keep moving. you STOP.

if a police officer says open the door - you open the door.

if a police officer says freeze - you freeze.

if he says jump up and down and pat your head while rubbing your tummy - you at least make the effort.

it seems logical to me that dealing with the consequences of actually obeying the officer's commands are a whole lot easier than dealing with the consequences, stress, and outcomes of what is likely to happen if you don't! you might get a ticket. you might go to jail for a day. have to go to court. whatever. but you won't be dead. other's won't be dead. you won't have your head smashed in. you won't look like an idiot on the news because you fled from the cops during rush hour because you had some warrants. take your punishment like a man and be responsible for your own actions.

quit blaming others for something you started...

just my opinion. take it or leave it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

i have no life - even still...

i've created webpages for our critters on dogster.com and catster.com. i'm crazy - i know. but humor me and take a look anyway...



Wednesday, February 15, 2006


i think it's really unfair that the ugly dog that won best of show in westminster last night also won best of show at the dog show that was sponsored by purina on thanksgiving day.  once you win the title - you shouldn't be allowed to compete for the same title with a different sponsor.  give the other doggies a shot.

i mean - once miss usa gives up her crown - she doesn't get to compete for miss america - does she?

and further more - that dog highly resembles the alien from the alien movies.  especially in the head.  the egg shape.  gives me the heeby geebies.  

i would have rather seen the dalmation win...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

dear walgreens...

know it's cold and flu season and you are terribly busy what with the sick people asking where they can find the sudafed and all. but if you say that my sick husband's medication will be ready at 5:45 - then it should be ready when i show up to get it at 6. don't look at me and say it will be another half hour and that you are short handed and have no one "filling" right now. cause not two minutes ago i heard them call someone to the pick up window because their medicine was ready. and since the medicine comes in a box and all you have to do is slap a label on it - i see no reason to have to wait an extra 30 minutes

it's terribly inconvenient for me to drive back and forth to your store to get medicine. i have better things to do with my time. i have a small child. i have a sick husband. i have a dog who wants all my attention, and a cat who he keeps trying to "play with." i have a sink full of dishes. sixteen piles of laundry to be washed. and i'm pretty sure something died inside the trash can.
but i'll go ahead and make your problems my priority.

thanks a bunch. if i wasn't crabby before - you really made the day brighter

sincerely - a disgruntled walgreens customer...

Monday, February 13, 2006

i have comments!

yeah!  i have comments!!  i'm not just wasting cyberspace!  someone is actually reading!!!  not that it says a lot that the person is reading the thoughts from MY brain - but still...

and to that one person - do you know how manly it makes you sound to compare my blog to sex in the city?  because it means you have just admitted that you have watched enough of the show to be able to make that comparison...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

do me a favor...

and pull the blasted ipod earphones out of your ears as you walk across the street.

otherwise - i won't be held responsible when i RUN YOU OVER!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

it's interesting

how you grow up and become and adult and overcome all those insecurities that you had when you were a kid.  you finally realize how much cooler you are now than some of the cool people from school.  you no longer care if they accept you because you know in the end that you came out way better than they did.  one of the head pom pom girls from my high school is now an over-weight house wife that can tell you what's on oprah any day of the week.  i bet she lays on the couch and eats bon bons in her robe and bare feet.  

i at least have a job and a career of sorts.  may not be the greatest job but someday it's going to get me to where i want to be career wise.

after working to plan my 10 year high school reunion this year - i realized that i no longer really cared if these people liked me or not.  i'm no longer terribly intimidated by them.  not sure when i realized this though.  it may have been after several drinks of an alcoholic nature.

i though i had won!  i'm finally secure.

and then i went to the parents' organization meeting at my daughters school last nite.  and i was standing there with all these women talking about this tankless hot water heater and that sporting activity and this school fundraiser and that strip club (don't ask - i can't figure out how we got there either) - and i totally realized that all those high school insecurities are still there - they've just moved to a new group of people.  i WANT these people to like me - even though i don't necessarily like all of them.  some of them down right irk me.  make me want to scream.  most of them don't even know my name - just call me "nina's mom."  but yet i want these people to like me.  the longer i stood there - the more i noticed the cliques.  and while i tried to chime in - i still felt left out.  i still didn't feel like i totally belonged.  i still felt like at least one person was including me out of kindness or obligation.  the others were all just humoring my presence.  

do we ever get past being 14?