what am i up to?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
our latest neighbor gripe involves a neighbor who had 4 pallets of patio bricks delivered to his home for a project on his front porch. the pallets were left on his front lawn. now this really wouldn't be a big deal - except that they were delivered on june 30th of last year!
after about 5 months of discussing doing so - i finally called the city the other day. i'll keep you posted...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
this post is mostly for kristine...
nina got her first bra yesterday.
this way she has all summer to adjust to it and by the time school starts again it won't be a big deal to her and she won't go to school bragging about it to her friends which will only give them more ammunition to be mean to her...
everyone wants to know why i caved. i won't say for sure. but it MAY have had something to do with her stepmother calling me and asking if she could get her one a few weeks ago. that's so a mother/daughter moment - not a mother/stepmother moment.
i called her a not nice name when i hung up the phone...
scenes from - everything...
grab a soda and some popcorn and sit back and enjoy!
vegas part one
vegas part deux
dance recital
Thursday, May 24, 2007
this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...
it all comes down to this.
come on - it was a total no brainer people!!
so after a very long, drawn out, two hours full of performances, silly awards, and "surprises" - all of which were revealed yesterday on tmz - we come to the five seconds of tv that we have been waiting to see for the past five months.
that's right. the repeat of sanjaya making that little girl cry. almost as sweet the second time around. as if the girl wasn't picked on enough the first time - she came back for more! her parents must be so proud!
speaking of the hair wonder - have you guys seen this video on tmz? it's a guy - who everyone is saying IS sanjaya - but i don't think is due to the fact that he won't remove his sunglasses - who claims that he isn't really sanjaya but that sanjaya was a character he created for some human art project and he's really a 25 year old guy name bill. craziness!
as you can see - i'm trying to drag this out to be as long as the show. i fully plan to run 10 minutes over - you've been warned...
anywho. blake. jordin.
jordin. blake.
oh the suspense!
i guess i've dragged it out long enough. so this week on "why you won't be my next american idol" we say "bbbbbbye bye bbbbbye bye" to beat-boxin-blake lewis. while it was very original and hadn't been done by any idol contestant before - i think it may have been the beat boxin that did you in. it was a gimmick. taylor had a gimmick too. and i don't think too many of us are hearing his singles on the radio. and i've heard his shows aren't doing so great. he let us down. maybe the american idol voting public was afraid you would let us down too. after all - the most successful idol contestant from season five is the one who didn't even make the top 2!!
so this of course means that glimmering little jordin "sparkle" sparks - you WILL BE my next american idol! what with your big smile, positive outlook, infectious giggle, positive body image and that cute little way you make your hands into a heart when ryan gives out your voting phone number - oh - and your fabulous voice and stage presence - you are an idol who can be a positive role model for my daughter - which in the end is really all that i ask for. i would be proud to have your cd sitting on her shelf next to hannah montana.
so - now that you've sat through the super sized webisode of your favorite weekly rambling - i leave you for my summer hiatus. i'll see you all again in january.
one last time. i am karen seacrest. out.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
still to come...
scenes from my birthday

scenes from vegas
Friday, May 18, 2007
season/series finale review
gilmore girls - at least they got luke and lorelai back on track and i can pretend that they floated off into the sunset on his boat for the summer.
but the episode needed at least one mrs. kim outburst and one funny scene with sabastian bach....
criminal minds - i missed the first five minutes and was forever lost after that...
ugly betty - i hate cliff hangers! you know daniel and alexis aren't dead. cause there's no show without daniel. i'm not sure what to think of amanda being fey's daughter other than that means that bradford is probably her father which means that daniel slept with his sister and amanda was in love with her brother. EWW! in a way the killing santos off thing kinda shocked me. but since i never liked him at all - i'm okay with it - except for what it's going to do to poor little gay justin...
csi - i was a little disappointed. they've been leading up to this all season and all we get is a mentally disturbed former foster child who can remember every room she sees after only a couple of seconds?? not at all what i expected. and they left us with a cliff hanger too - which i can't STAND. not to mention the emotional stress it gives us to try and kill off ANOTHER csi. only this time it's worse cause they left it open and we don't know what happens. (i heard a rumor that the actress who plays sarah may be in dispute with the show again - maybe she won't be back). but really - i can't take anymore tv related stress people!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
before csi starts...
i'm tellin you - it's important....
this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...
this is your melancholy episode of "why you won't be my next american idol" and as always i am your host - karen seacrest.
what to say. what to say. this week we are all shedding tears over the loss of our dear, humble, melinda doolittle. melinda - you won't be my next american idol because YOU WERE ROBBED! TOTALLY ROBBED! someone call for security, lock the doors, and check everyone's pockets for missing melinda votes because YOU WERE ROBBED!
not since the scandalous departure of chris daughtry have we seen someone robbed quite so badly. not even gina!!
but - once again - i have to say something funny and full of wit - because that's what you all expect. soooo. i guess you won't be my next american idol because...
oh forget it - i just can't think of anything that justifies her early dismissal. you'll all just have to suffer...
that said - vote for jordin!!
karen seacrest. out.
Monday, May 14, 2007
for those keeping track...
and my cubical is a sea of black streamers and balloons...
some people are so mean...
last week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...
welcome to this very, very late installment of "why you won't be my next american idol". i'm your host - karen seacrest.
would you all believe that identifiying myself as THE "karen seacrest" wasn't good enough to get me into the hip bars in vegas or get my room upgraded to a penthouse suite?? i'm really shocked. i thought everyone knew my name. i'm so bummed that i didn't get to party with lindsey and kfed. i saw on tmz that cameron was out there this weekend too. i totally had to settle for walking past a store where pete rose was signing autographs and sharing a plane with former st. louis rams' tight end roland williams. oh - and i watched a couple of workers take away the last david hasselhoff advertisement as his "behavior" of late has led to him no longer performing in "the producers". had he been there - i'm sure the hoff would have totally cried like he did on the idol finale last year....
ohh - and for a small price of $2000 i could have purchased a guitar autographed by all 3 judges. but since i couldn't really read Simon's name and couldn't verify that it didn't say Sean Gunn - i thought i would save my money...
anyway - thanks to parents on all sides of my family - i was well aware of the fact that last week we would be saying tootles to lakisha jones - and i was aware 2 hours before everyone else in vegas! at least the name has SOME perks. anyway - lakisha - you won't be my next american idol because i'm trying deperately to rid nina of her speech related issues - especially since she wants to sing SO BADLY - and your lisp sends mixed messages to her. that and singing "staying alive" is really a nail in the coffin in the idol world. it's like singing a hit song by an original idol winner (who did that last year? i can't remember). it just doesn't work.
anyway - until - um - thursday - this is karen seacrest - trying to get caught up - and sayin "out"...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
welp - here we go...
ignoring the fact that i'm STILL having major anxiety about flying and probably will until a half hour or an hour after take off - i'm pretty excited.
i have BIG plans for sitting by the pool and reading a book. weather is predicted to be in the 90's when we arrive tomorrow morning.
sooooooo - miss me everyone!!
Monday, May 07, 2007
t minus 39 hours and 30 minutes...
so far - all i've accomplished is finding my sunglasses and swimming suit.
and i'm already having massive flying panic attacks....
as soon as i get to work tomorrow - i get to print our boarding passes. that's kinda exciting. it's just a shame we can't just warp on over to vegas...
would help me breathe better at least...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
because seeing is SO totally believing...
Friday, May 04, 2007
it has to be because he's trying to get inside the mind of the killer. it just has to be!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...
now - if luke would just realize that taking lorelai on the boat trip instead of april would make for a great happy ever after....
anyway - on to idol...
this is a super-sized episode of "why you won't be my next american idol" where we say "hit the bricks" to not one - but TWO idol rejects! and speaking of idol rejects - have any of you caught this season of celebrity fit club on vh1 with kimberly locke? dustin diamond needs to just back off of man...
anyway - i'm straying off topic.
this week we first say so long to phil stacey. phil - you won't be my next american idol because you look like a cross between uncle fester and lurch. if the two had a baby - it would have your head. your head is way too big to be bald - it kinda looks like a lightbulb. and your ears stick out kinda far. now i don't want to pick on someone just because of his appreance - cause that would be wrong - but you chose this look and i really think you should really reconsider the concept of hair. really...
we're ALSO saying "peace out" to chris richardson. chris - you won't be my next american idol because i don't like justin timerblake. and if i don't like him - why would i pick you? you look like him. you sound like him. you do his little head bob when you ruin perfectly good songs written by gwen stefani - that's right - still holdin that against you. i just don't think you have the stuff to bring sexy back. not that i think justin does either. but hey - maybe the two of you can team up and give it a try...
so next week's episode of our favorite program will have a bit of a delay as karen seacrest heads to vegas for three days to party with kfed and lindsey (lohan that is).
look for it on saturday or sunday. i know the suspense will be killing you.
until then. karen seacrest shooting craps. out.