this is going around on facebook - so i thought i would post it here too...
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. my most favorite smell in the world is garlic. not cookies or cinnamon - garlic. i'm sure it betrays my german/irish heritage.
2. i have a secret passion for old movies with halley mills. not just the parent trap - but i'm quite fond of the trouble with angels.
3. i have four serious vices. kit kats. lays classic potato chips. margaritas. double stuffed oreos. not in that order - and certainly not at the same time.
4. i'm not ashamed to admit that i went to the new kids on the block reunion concert. and i would pay to see them again. i had the best time.
5. i have the best husband. sometimes i think i don't deserve him. we have the most fun together and when i'm so stressed out that i'm about to lose my mind - he knows just how to handle it.
6. i'm still holding on to about 5 or 6 grudges from the last 15 or 16 years. i can't let them go and feel they keep me strong. only one of those grudges is against someone i was in a relationship with. each of those grudges involved a poisionous relationship/friendship where i knew i was the better person, but for some reason was still desparate for the other person's approval and genuine friendship (even when i knew it didn't exist).
7. i love typing in lowercase letters and i know it drives my other english major friends nuts. i'd like to think i'm just really cool like e.e. cummings - but truth is i'm just too lazy to hit the shift key.
8. when i was pregnant the doctors tried to get me to go on an insulin pump to manage my diabetes and i refused. i wouldn't admit it at the time - but the true reason i refused was because i knew in my heart that nina's father was a cheater, we wouldn't be together forever, and i was afraid i would never find a man who could accept a single mother who was attached to what might be considered a mini iv 24/7. after i found jeff - it was easy to let go of that insecurity.
9. i sometimes worry that someone will see me programing my insulin pump in public and think i'm a terrorist.
10. i have a recurring nightmare about being back in high school and having a crazy rotating schedule with a class that always drops out of rotation. i never can remember which class i'm supposed to be in and the science class always seems to be the class that rotates out until the day of a big test where i don't know the answers because the class hasn't taken place for months.
11. i love analyzing the poetry behind song lyrics. i wish i had done my senior thesis on that.
12. i always get moody and depressed during the month of february. i used to say i was cursed during that month because it seemed i broke up with all my boyfriends in february or bad things happened. but i think i just remember every february that my great great aunt may died at valentine's day and it makes me sad placing negative energy in my universe.
13. in july 2008, i sat in a room with 1500 miracles.
14. i think i'm the only person in the world who hates kelly clarkson's new song.
15. everytime i see a really cute baby - i ask jeff if we can have another kitten. his answer is always no. this especially happens when i've been with my friend christy's baby.
16. my best friend amanda and i share the same brain. really. we live 600 miles apart and will see each other for the first time after months (or even years) and find that we are both carrying the same purse, wearing the same shoes, or the same swimming suit. all of which were probably purchased at target. we don't tell each other about buying these things. it just happens. we can also finish each others thoughts and talk to each other without speaking. we're freaks of nature.
17. i have a hopeless addiction to mcdonalds breakfast.
18. i'm a pleathora of useless information which makes me quite handy to have on a trivia team...
19. i'm waiting for the day the team from a&e's intervention show up at my house to pry my laptop from my hands and deactivate my webkin's account.
20. i think the litterbox and garbage disposal are conspiring against me - and it's just not cool.
21. i often have anxiety attacks before i fall asleep. i also tend to chronicly hyperventilate.
22. i know that all four of my grandparents and my aunt may visit me from time to time.
23. the saddest thing i've ever seen is my husband's heart break when his father died. the thought of it alone kills me inside.
24. i love non profit work. everyone always said i "mothered" everyone when i was little, had to take care of everyone and everything even when it wasn't my business. and they said i would make a good social worker. and now - i'm basically doing social work without having to get the degree. it kinda makes sense when you think about it. nina's exactly the same way too.
25. have you ever seen that commercial with the guy who refused to get out of his car until the song "american pie" is completely over? yeah. i'm that guy. i've been known to drive around the block a couple of times until it's over.