what am i up to?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

karen seacrest's live idol blog - top 36 - 1st 12

1. jackie tohn: little less conversation. hmm. i'm thinking she set a low bar - vocally. arrangement was interesting. but what is she wearing!?!?! is this 1987?"

2. ricky braddy: i didn't catch the name of the song and i don't know it. but he was far more vocally superior than the first girl. good pipes there. i liked it. and i'm not just saying that because lindsey works with the girlfriend of his former roommate....

someone tell kara she can talk back from the mic a bit.

3. alexis grace: never loved a man. i like her shoes. i know that's not the important thing. but i like her shoes. not wild about the dress. kinda looks like something you wear under another outfit to keep all the fatty lumps from being lumpy. i don't think she's got a soulful enough voice for this song. i'm kinda disappointed because i liked her first audition and that was just kinda disappointing to me. i apparently don't agree with the judges either...

woopsie. wrong clip. look at seacrest all improving there. he's not very good at that...

4. brent keith: hick town. i don't know what's up with the unknown songs tonight. eh. i'm not wowed. not at all. he kinda didn't entertain me. he seemed nervous - kinda bobbing back and forth. was just weird.

um. let's not look at bucky covington. he was scary.

to simon's point - i think most everyone's been pretty forgetable so far.

this commercial after every performance is kinda annoying.

5. stevie wright: you belong with me. have i mentioned that i hate taylor swift? she's hit a few bad notes. this really - not good. i'm avoiding saying it was terrible. i'm going to blame the song. it's just like all taylor swift songs. sucky.

i just came back to edit this to say that i figured it out. she reminds me of ashley tisdale in high school musical...

6. anoop desai: angel of mine. there is way too much background vocal track tonight. this isn't snl. i like anoop. he's got a good, solid voice and he's kinda cute.

message to second 6. can you excite me a little please? and pick an entertaining song? please? don't make tatiana the most exciting part of the evening. that would be annoying!

jeff and i just had an immature beavis and butthead moment over kara saying "nail it the way it needs to be nailed". we couldn't help it.

7. casey carlson: every little thing she does is magic. thank you - a song i know! remember curly haired chris sligh from a couple years ago. he did this song. way better too. i didn't like that. jeff says it's the change in words that bugs him. but it kinda sounded like - taylor swift or miley cyrus doing the police. her voice is too girly girl pop for it. perhaps she would have done stevie's song better?

8. michael sarver: i don't wanna be. yeah! jeff's favorite rough neck guy. it's like they heard my pleas. they're singing songs i know now. i'm having some bo bice flashbacks. him barefoot on the big stage. he looks like he's having so much fun. ooh. that note was bad. he's probably been one of the more entertaining performers of the evening...

9. ann marie boskovich: natural woman. does anyone else flash to that 80s commercial about the woman coming home and kicking off her shoes and putting on her comfy jeans? i do - every time i hear this song. and i just did it again. i think it was lee jeans. i thought about going to google it during her performance. that's how excited i was by her performance.

i'm really starting to feel like no one is "bringing it on" tonight....

10. steven fowler: rock with you. we don't think he belongs in the top 36. for the record. simon said - forget the words - go home. he forgot the words. why didn't he go home? the lighting here kinda kicks back to mj's video for this song. smoke and laser lights. i still don't think he should be in the top 36.

clearly the show is so exciting tonight that i'm resorting to comments about laser lights and old commercials. btw - i googled that commercial. 5th hit on the google list was my own blog. crazy! but i can't find the answer. it may have actually been chic jeans...

drama up after the commercial break...

11. tatiana del toro. i'm saving all my love for you. this girl grates on my nerves worse than cheese. see. the thing is. she CAN sing. but she's just such a drama queen that i just can't stand to look at her...

12. danny gokey. hero. i'm kinda disappointed in this performance - but i think he's going through to the top 12 anyway. he could sing the abc's in his pj's and go to the top 12...

okay. so i'm overall disappointed in these 12 performances. i real snoozer.

the next 12 better BRING IT BIG TIME so this season can be more exciting and i'll actually have something to write about....

Monday, February 16, 2009

silent auction basket

so i've been racking my brain for weeks and weeks trying to figure out what kind of basket to do for our silent auction at work next week. it's been driving me nuts. i wanted to do something unique that will hopefully bring in a nice price. but nothing was really coming to me.

well - it's the 11th hour. i finally came up with an idea and in a 15 minute shopping spree at walmart - this is what i finally came up with:



• Trivial Pursuit – 25th Anniversary Edition
• Scrabble
• Kerplunk
• Pop-o-matic Trouble
• Jenga
• Barrel of Monkeys
• Dominos
• Uno
• Deck of Playing Cards
• 11.5 oz Planters Mixed Nuts
• 1lb bag Strawberry Twizzlers
• 6 pack Box of Orville Redenbacher’s Natural Simply Salted Popcorn
• Collapsible Storage Container with Lid

what do you think?

Monday, February 09, 2009

two random thoughts for monday morning...

1) why is it that people who feel the need to ride bike to work or school in rush hour traffic on busy streets - like - say - big bend - think that basic traffic rules don't apply to them. like the guy this morning who went speeding in between the cars stopped at the stop light, proceded through the stop light whie cros traffic was proceding through it - without any hesitation at all, and THEN biked up the left turn lane, into oncoming traffic, onto the sidewalk, and so on. can you say "accident waiting to happen?"

2) has anyone else noticed the uncanny resemblance of the octuplets mom to angelina jolie?? i'm just saying...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

news of the stupid...

dumb dumb dumb

yet another story that there are just no words for...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

how to blow it during hollywood week on american idol...

1) argue with the judges critique...

2) pick a song no one knows...

3) dress like richard simmons (even though he made it through - that guy is nuts)...

4) when you are told you can't have your way, act like the person who verbally assulted me on the phone last week because i wouldn't bend the rules for her situation...

5) beg....

6) have a family with at least two theater shows all their own. ask your uncles for 20 minutes of the set...

7) keep singing after you are told to stop...

8) be bikini girl...