what am i up to?

Friday, November 30, 2007

go tigers!!!

even if i'm not a mizzou alum. i mean - it's not like fontbonne had a football team. so if i'm gonna fit in at the office with all the other college football fans - i have to have someone to root for...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007



survey says?

i've added a new feature to my brain - to the right you will see a poll. this first one is lame. but i'm tanked up on cough meds right now - so i can't think of anything better...

so - survey says? what holiday decorations should i put up first?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

more fun with neighbors...

so ya'll remember my insane weirdo neighbor who left the landscaping bricks in his front yard for 11 months until i called the city to report it??

well, two weeks ago, he had several panels of privacy fence delivered. they were placed in the back yard, lined up against the fence on one side of the yard like that was where they were going to be installed.

then they blew over and laid on the ground and up against the swing set for a few days. then they were picked up. then blown over again. now they are picked up again.

we're waiting to see how many months before they actually install the fence. we'll be happy when they do - it will block rolen's ability to see the dog he doesn't like...

Monday, November 19, 2007

roley poley update...

we took rolen back to the vet tonite and the dr. was very happy to see that rolen was doing much better. he actually admitted he was surprised to see him getting around so well. it's a night and day difference from where we were a week ago...

he's jumping on the couch better, moving around better, can stand to potty better, and is managing the stairs on the deck better. not better enough that we're moving his kennel back downstairs just yet. but better. he's eating and drinking like a pig which is largely because of the steroids. i took that steroid once for a spider bite and ate everything in sight. we went to the ball game where i out ate jeff by eating a foot long hotdog, hand rolled pretzel, large specialty nachos, ice cream, peanuts - and then looked at him and said i was still hungry.

he still can over do it pretty quickly and easily. but if we can get him to rest it helps. he's not as hyper as he usually is - i think he tires out quickly. but he's slowly returning to being his normal self.

the prognosis - while not officially given - appears to be really good. the vet refilled the antibiotics and steroids for another 10 days but reduced the dosages - antibiotics by half, steroids by 3/4 ths. we're still supposed to keep him still - but the more he heals - the harder that is. he thinks he's super dog. we're supposed to check back in 10 days.

this has changed our thanksgiving plans quite a bit. he's not well enough to go wrestle with his doggie foster brother for four days straight - we'd be right back where we started. so on thursday, jeff and i will drive to the campground to meet up with my parents, siblings, and nina for dinner and then jeff will come back home to take care of rolen while nina and i stay until saturday morning. this way i can keep up the friday morning shopping tradition.

so - that's all that.

gobble gobble!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

for those who have been wonderin

i know i've been quiet - but it's been a crazy couple of weeks.

jeff spent last week in NOLA. i should have pictures to post in the next few days.

and once he returned, rolen got really sick. he was doing this strange thing for about two weeks where he would come in from outside and drink a bunch of water and then he would throw it up. dogs do strange things like that so we didn't think much of it. friday i noticed a slight limp in his hind legs. saturday he started stumbling going up the stairs and stuff.

we got the vet to squeeze him in on saturday. the vet said he had a fever and thought he might have been infected by a tick and put him on an antibiotic and steroid. he stopped eating on saturday and by sunday was getting worse. there was no strength in his back legs. he couldn't go up stairs at all and down wasn't easy either. we had to move his kennel into our very small living room - where it still is. he still wasn't eating or drinking.

we took him back to the vet monday - by then he couldn't stand to pee or poo and was walking kinda like a frog. it was step. step. step. sit. they sedated him and did xrays and blood work. (BTW - PRICEY!) the xrays showed no breaks. the blood work was normal. no infections. white and red blood counts normal (which means it may not have been a tick at all). organs all fuctioning normally. they shot him with an anti inflammatory and told us to keep him quiet and still. touch back in a few days to check on his progress. we've been babying him ever since.

we got him to start eating on monday nite - i got some of those packets of food with the meaty chunks and potatos and rice. he thinks those are a treat anyway. he also started drinking again and he can keep it all down now.

the last two days have shown some improvement. if he's still for awhile - he can use his back legs better. but he over does it and tires out very easily. going potty is still an ordeal.

i'll touch base with the vet again tomorrow on his progress. i think i'll ask for an oral anti inflammatory to get us through the weekend - just in case. i think the shot helped quite a bit.

so that's the last week in a nut-shell.

it's hard to be my goofy self with this stuff goin on...

on a high note - my table took 6th place in epiphany's trivia nite saturday. we rock and stuff....

Thursday, November 08, 2007


i wonder if perhaps the performer just wore the wrong outfit. perhaps she reached into her closet for her gorilla suit and accidently grabbed the g string and pasties instead...

sign the colbert petition!

i did...


Thursday, November 01, 2007

halloween pet peeves

i know that halloween has been over for about 12 hours now. but there are a few things that annoy me and i have to get them off of my chest.

1. people who don't follow the rules.

the rules are fairly simple, right? porch light on - you go to the house to trick or treat. no light - no treats. simple. you don't go to the doors without lights on. you don't leave your light on if you aren't home or have no intention of opening the door. it's really not hard. and if you are having a block party and you are all gonna hang out at one house with your bowls of candy - don't leave the lights on at your houses anyway...

2. i don't like propaganda with my candy.

i don't care what good cause you are a part of. i don't want peta stickers. coupons and information for body works at the science center. cereal baseball card prizes that you also gave us the past 3 years in a row. just fork over the kit kats and leave the rest to bumper stickers.

3. kids want junk.

while it's nice to think of the health of the kids and all, but most normal children don't eat sunflower seeds. air popped popcorn isn't usually good either. and don't even get us started on raisins.

4. make my kid work for her treat.

ask her about her joke. at least try to figure out what her costume is or acknowledge it. i spent a lot of time in good will for crying out loud!!!