what am i up to?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

new million dollar money making idea...

i need a device that allows me to blog from my shower. i always think of the best blog topics and entries when i'm in the shower and have no way to jot it down. then by the time i come back to my blog, it's totally gone from my cluttered little mind....

i need to start doing this regularly again. i'm starting to fear that i've lost all six people who ever read this thing to begin with....

Friday, July 17, 2009

the rest of my photos from driving to reno...

i thought i would back track to my trip to reno. these are the rest of the cool photos of mountains i took along the way. along with photos of the bowling stadium, virginia city, lake tahoe, and my brief stay in california.

Friday, July 10, 2009

karen's dream house...

i have tried to convince jeffy that we must pack up and move right away. but he just wasn't buyin it.

karen's dream house