what am i up to?

Friday, October 31, 2008

why dancing in mcdonalds is never a good idea...

i've been meaning to upload this for a while now - but just now got to it as i was uploading nina's halloween pictures. this is her dance group dancing in the local mcdonalds. where a dance like this should never be done. however - i am proud to say that the first thing they did when they finished was head straight to the bathroom to wash their hands...

halloween 08

i present the army girl-y girl....

nina 08 halloween pictures...

my nephew

my 20 year old nephew has been moonlighting as a cast member at a local haunted house.

click here to see his pic from stltoday....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

jeff's so mean...

he won't let me get one of these 6 inch photo buttons of jordan knight to wear to the concert on the 10th and then keep next to the bed on the night stand like when i was 13.

he said as much as i don't want to believe it, i'm not 13 anymore. and if i am - then he's in deep legal trouble...

can you believe him? he's so no fun...

Monday, October 20, 2008


this is a public service announcement...

i have just returned from taking bailey (kitty #2) to the vet. we've been going about every 6 weeks since march to get steroid shots because she has some crazy skin allergy to we don't know what because allergy tests are too expensive.

well, about a week ago, we realized that all of the meyer critters were infested with fleas - something we've never had issues with before - i blame the neighbors who don't cut their grass. it was a sunday and the vet was closed - so we went to petsmart and bought a bunch of shampoo and came home and washed all three critters (let me tell you, me in the tub in my swimming suit with the cats was a sight to behold - i'm sure). you would have thought we were killing them.

the next day i went to the vet and spent a small fortune on frontline and dosed up all the critters.

well - this whole flea infestation thing has made bailey's skin issue REALLY bad. and the first dose of frontline didn't work quite as well as the lady in the demonstration video said it would. it worked - they aren't itching as bad. but i've still found living/thriving fleas on at least two out of three of them. so today it was back to the vet for another steroid shot and more frontline - the vet said giving them a second dose wouldn't hurt and might be good - especially the way bailey is reacting.

while bailey's post steroid stupor can be somewhat entertaining - this flea thing is getting pricey. and annoying. especially to jeff who is the only human in the house that the fleas like.

so here's the p.s.a. the vet said that the fleas are especially bad this year. something about all of the excess moisture from the rains and flooding. like the mold counts. bailey was her 5th flea irritation visit today and when i stopped in last week to buy the frontline they were talking to someone who was having flea issues on the phone.

so save yourselves all some pain and just buy the frontline now and dose your pets before the fleas have a chance to take up residence in their fur (and your furniture).

this p.s.a. has not been brought to you by the makers of frontline. in fact, i'm paying them. they should be doing advertisements for me and my blog...

true as true can be...

i don't recall the last time i read an installment of comic that was quite as true as this one...

Friday, October 17, 2008

what they don't tell you...

is that after this guy finished this burger, his arteries sent up a white flag of surrender....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

talk about your showcase showdown....

i know i know. it's a groaner. but someone was going to say it sooner or later....


Saturday, October 11, 2008

o.j. says "that wasn't fair"!!!

okay - if you didn't see this coming - then you need to go back to college and take logic 101. i knew it from the moment the case started. if he was found guilty, he was going to whine like a baby and say it wasn't fair because the jury was all white and because he can't catch a fair break because everyone thinks he's a murderer.

wah o.j. wah!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

power ranger murder

you know what really just makes me laugh about this story? not that it's a funny story - cause it's totally not.

but it's the way they keep talking about him as an actor from the power rangers and a child star. if you look him up on imdb - he was in - like - exactly one episode of the power rangers and hasn't done anything since...

public thank you!

a public thank you to my buddy kristine for getting us nosebleed but cheap tickets to the blues/blackhawks game for our anniversary next week.

thanks kristine!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

study says...

8 out of 10 people are stressed out because of the economy.

gee. ya think???

in the meantime, all of the pictures about the stock market keep showing the reactions of this one man. each picture is different - but i swear that it's the same guy. i think he's a hired actor/model who did a series of shots for the AP photographer and not really a stock market guy. that number on his jacket is a prop....

Monday, October 06, 2008

12 days and counting...

till the five year anniversary of our wedding. as of right now, we have no plans. can't come up with anything to do. there's not a single movie that sounds appealing. blues/blackhawks tickets are too expensive. the guy at funny bone doesn't sound good. nothing appealing at any of the casinos or other entertainment venues and i refuse to go see monster trucks or motorcycles or whatever it is that jeff was trying to talk me into seeing earlier.

that and the five year anniversary traditional and modern gifts are wood and silverware. just what exactly am i supposed to do with that???

and furthermore - jeff's being a butthead. keeps being a smart butt and saying it's nothing special to irritate me. and i even let him watch wrestling twice last week - without interupting!!!

meanwhile - this year's fright night at six flags is very disappointing. they have very little "talent" wandering the park. the guy on the terror train was carrying his script with him during the explosion part and he still sucked. the whole ride consisted of "everyone stay calm" over and over. he never even gave the back story. i will say that at least i was delighted not to be followed by clowns...

Saturday, October 04, 2008


...when i go to bed at night, i get this nagging feeling. kind of like a weight on my shoulders. it makes it really hard to sleep....

Thursday, October 02, 2008


so we're watching the debate (not at all what one would expect from us - i know).

so far sarah palin has said "betcha" and winked at the camera...

and i seriously think she is too skinny...

edited to add "darn right". is that really appropriate rhetoric?

edited again to add - i think the red heels were an interesting choice. maybe she was trying to appeal to the kellie pickler demographic...

r.i.p. steve fossett

it's so sad. we all knew this was the inevitable outcome. but it's still so sad. at least now mrs. fossett will have some closure.


um. okay.

yeah. i've got nothin on this one...

crazy conspiracy theory story

in case you are living under a rock...

tonite is the vp debate at wash u. and can i just say how very happy i am to not work there anymore? i took a vacation day on the days of the last two debates just so i wouldn't have to deal with traffic, parking, and secret service clearance. given that the b-school's graduate reunion is this weekend, i know i wouldn't have been so lucky today.

and for the record - last night's criminal minds was EXCELLENT!