what am i up to?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

how to entertain yourself on a monday nite...

step 1 - take fat cat with horrible shedding trouble, dandruff, and has never had a bath in her life to petsmart for a full bath and shedding treatment.

step 2 - watch skinny cat rejoice that fat cat is leaving the house.

step 3 - pick up fat cat from petsmart and bring her home.

step 4 - watch skinny cat pout at fact that fat cat came back.

step 5 - let fat cat out of bag to run straight to litter box.

step 6 - watch fat cat walk funny because her claws are shorter than normal and she's never had that gross mike rowe anal duct cleaning before.

step 7 - watch fat cat plop down and start grooming more than you have ever seen before because she doesn't like the way she smells.

step 8 - watch skinny cat tip toe around fat cat because she looks kinda like the same cat - only nicer - and she smells really different.

step 9 - repeat step seven in different location.

step 10 - repeat step seven while fat cat avoids human who took her to the torture chamber.

step 11 - repeat step 8 and add on sniffing every spot fat cat has been in and spots that she hasn't to see that they still smell normal.

step 12 - watch stupid dog sniff cat bag, cat, and every inch of the house - trying to identify that strange smell.

step 13 - watch fat cat isolate herself so that she can groom in peace and avoid human who took her to torture chamber, skinny cat's sniffing, and stupid dog's everything...

step 14 - watch stupid dog bounce kong down the stairs and land perfectly on back of couch to be quickly retreived by stupid dog...

step 15 - watch stephanie mcmahon pretend to cry and threaten revenge about "whoever did this to ma-ah dad!"

step 16 - sleep until 2 am when you awake to find that fat cat is no longer mad at human who took her to torture chamber and is showing her affection by laying on top of her legs so that she can't roll over...


tim said...

You watched that train wreck of a wrestling promo too?! Sweet.

gfygrl said...

i didn't watch. i just happened to be in the room at the time it was on....