what am i up to?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

sorry i let you all down...

i never finished my harry potter posts before the book came out. they were in this order:

3rd fav: hagrid - cause his just a big lovable oaf.
2nd fav: harry - bet you thought he would be first huh?
1st fav: hermione - girl power baby! all that and brains too! kind of role model i want nina to have!

picked up the book at 9 am on saturday. started reading at 11 am. by sunday night i had 5 chapters to go. i finshed the last at lunch today.

and i'm overall happy with it. still not sure i really buy harry and ginny as a couple - if she was going to make ginny a romantic interest for harry - rowlings should have started working on it back in book 3 or 4 instead of wasting so much time on his infatuation with cho. starting it off in the book six didn't give us enough time to really believe it!

i won't say who lives or dies. some of my predictions were sort of trueish. not exact - but close.

1 comment:

tim said...

Starting in book 6 didn't make it believable? Huh? That is a whole year of school. How many girlfriends and boyfriends does your average 15-16 year old go through in a year of school?

I think them being serious for a year then breaking it off because he doesn't want to hurt her because he's leaving and then getting back together is perfectly believable. Of course, I was pretty sure they were going to end up together starting in book 2 or 3.

I think it would be less believable if he would have just liked Ginny the whole time. The infatuation with Cho was just that, him trying to figure out what he wants coming to the realization that he wants Ginny.

There was only one death that kinda upset me-I'll let you know in a IM or something. But since most of the deaths happened off-screen the emotion was really diminished. Not like Dumbledore or Sirius. Those happened right there and you felt it.