what am i up to?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

must brag...

this is of little or no importance to anyone but me - but i would just like the entire world to know that i bowled my very first 200 game tonite at bowling. a 202 to be exact. it's taken me five years to meet this goal.

my next goal is a 500 seires (i fell 5 pins short tonight).

then it's a clean game.

after that - i have no clue.

but for now i'll just bask in my 200 game glory...

yeah me!!!!


tim said...

What's a 500 series?

gfygrl said...

*shakes head*

a series is the combination of the scores for all three games. last nite - my series was 495 - a total of 202, 148, and 145. a 500 series is a pretty good series. 600 is better. 900 is perfect and totally unthinkable for someone with my average...

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

Way to go. Careful or one arm will soon be longer then the other.

- tph