what am i up to?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

i voted today!

i know what you're thinking.

yeah. so. what's your point - so did, like, a hundred million other people.

but you see, this was my first time ever voting. ever. ever ever. like, as in never having done it before 8:30 this morning.

i know what you're thinking - and just read me out before you start judging the fact that i've been old enough to vote for 13 years without ever exercising my right to do so.

when i turned 18, i didn't feel like i was smart enough to make well educated decisions on the issues at play when the time came to vote. think about it - the internet wasn't around back then. i didn't read the paper. there just wasn't a lot for an 18 year old girl like myself to go on with this stuff.

i thought it would be irresponsible to vote just because i could. that's like taking the driver's test because you are now 16 - but never studying or spending time practicing or even paying attention as a passenger in the car.

"because i could" or "because i was old enough to do so" didn't seem like a good enough reason and i thought it would be more responsible to just wait until i was more mature and had more of a clue.

and perhaps, just a tiny bit, i felt kinda like my one vote didn't really matter.

so what took me so long? i don't know. i don't have a good argument for that. for awhile, i guess, the issues just weren't very important to me. and all that "hanging chad" nonsense was discouraging.

i kinda started paying attention around 2004. i was starting to get the itch - but i didn't act on it. then again in 2006, i seriously considered registering - but i debated the issue in my head for far too long and missed the deadline for the issue i was concerned about.

it was also rough for me because i felt like i was surrounded by people who's views were the opposite of mine. i kinda had it shoved down my throat quite a bit, in settings where it really wasn't appropriate. settings where politics really shouldn't be discussed and people really shouldn't be judging others based on political views. but there were times that i almost started to think that my views were wrong based on the environment i was in. i loved when i was able to get together with friends from college and have the opportunity to hear the other side of the coin for awhile...

so anyway, fast forward to 2007 when i finally made the decision to vote. i've spent all of 2008 trying to pay attention. i had some delays getting my registration in - so i missed all of the other voting opportunities - but made sure to make the deadline for today. i had my ideas of who i liked, but i did actually do research between the two to make sure i was comfortable with my gut decision. hell - i even visited the missouri GOP webpage and the missouri democrats webpage - so if that's not doing extensive research - i don't know what is.

and that brings me to 8:30 this morning when in only 10 minutes or less (because there was no line at my polling place) - i voted for the first time. and then i went to starbucks and got free coffee.

i'm not going to go too much into who i voted for and why. my cartoon for today only gives enough of a clue.

if you're reading this after i took the cartoon down - and you worked with me at WU and think you know who i voted for - you're probably wrong.

and if you went to college with me and think you know who i voted for - you're probably right.

and if you are of a blood relation to me - i'm most likely the political family outcast. i admit it. end of discussion. let's move on now.

wishing everyone a happy election day - no matter if you choose blue or red...


tim said...

I only went against the grain on the Attorney General. The Democratic candidate wants to eliminate protection of rape victims (like anonymity).

We were actually called by a democrat group to not vote for him because of that.

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad you finally registered and joined us voters.

BTW, did I hear your mom call on Donnybrook a couple of weeks ago? If so, I think I can guess how you voted (based on that and your comment about being the family outcast now). :)


gfygrl said...

for tim - i couldn't find any real information on that accusation on koster. i could find the bill's wording and it was very wordy and covered several different issues. he went to WU and i've met him. he's a pretty nice guy. graduated while i was working there - i worked his class gift campaign. so if he voted against that bill - it's probably because there's some verbage someplace that he strongly disaggreed with - you know - kinda like why i voted no on prop a....

but that's why this is america - you vote how you vote - i vote how i vote and tomorrow we each have an alcoholic beverage of our choosing. hip hip hooray!

for kristine - mom's not one to call in to tv/radio shows and talk about politics. until today she kept saying she was voting for paris hilton - but i'm pretty sure she made a more conservative decision than that. just remember - many of my family members are card carrying NRA members. that should draw you in the right direction...