what am i up to?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

nina's birthday boots

so nina will be 11 on friday. yeah - i know. i'm not happy about it either.

anyway - she's had me running all over the damn city trying to find a pair of those damn big fluffy boots that all the girls are wearing for fashion and not function. i've been just about everyplace that would sell knockoffs at a reasonable price and keep having issues finding them in her size - a 5 - not all kids shoes go as high as a 5...

anyway, i finally caved and went to famous footware and got her these...

nina's birthday boots

they are so cute i almost want a pair myself.


Anonymous said...

Happy b-day to Nina!!

I do like those boots, but I'm too self-conscious about my short legs to wear boots over pants. I'm sure Nina will be fine, though. :) Hope she has a great day!


tim said...

Those are at least decent looking boots. Good job mom. At least she didn't want/you didn't buy her a pair of these.