what am i up to?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

playing mommy

i know that i've been missing in action this past week. nina started school on monday and has had half days every day until today...

3rd grade.

i really think it makes them more argumentative. we had a 2 hour disagreement on monday over book covers. she wanted the cool stretchy ones that cost money. i wanted her to use the free ones that come with my groceries. i won. it's cool to be the mom...

late last nite we got a call from one of the other moms looking for information on how to get cheetah girl tickets. which means nina had them first. nina's on the cutting edge for once. the envy of her friends. since that never happens - we think it's super cool....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that's just something that happens more and more. Wait until she's in the double digits.