what am i up to?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

dear new writers of gillmore girls...

if loralei ends up with icky christopher and not with luke who we all KNOW she belongs with - i will be giving up all hope and belief that i have had since a child in "true love" and "happily ever after"...

you wouldn't want to do that to someone would you? i'm fragile. i might just crack....


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, if they are going to stretch it out a couple more seasons they need some sexual tension between them or the show will not be good.

Carrie ended up with John (Big - Sex in the City)
Rachel ended up with Ross (Even though I was rooting for Joey)

Anonymous said...

If she ends up with Chris, it is because she deserves it. Once again, it is all about her. Both Gilmore girls are once again in the "woe is me" mode, although both put themselves in that position.

Love that Lane is pregnant after her "first and worst" time. Guess that wait till marriage thing was wise after all.

- tph

gfygrl said...

tph - quit being so bitter and trashing her. you need to read a book when katie watches gilmore girls....

and she doesn't deserve christopher - cause he's a butthead...

Anonymous said...

She ran to him. Butt-heads deserve each other.

- tph

gfygrl said...

i thought we got this out of your system yesterday when we talked about this weekend's events.

quit being a loralei hater already...