what am i up to?

Friday, February 15, 2008

i'm still alive - i promise...

so i know i've been super quiet for a week or more. i spent my week off between jobs running errands and sleeping.

then jeff gave me his cold. i'm still not happy with him about it.

i've started my new job and it's going great. i still have both of my kidneys. yeah me!

i can boast that i have my own printer inside my cubical. my cubical is twice the size of my old one. i can wear jeans on friday. and i have monday off for presidents day. eat your heart out WU! :-D

i have some comments on the top 24 idol contestants - but they will have to wait another day or so. i've simply been too tired at night to get on the computer.

i promise to bring the brain back to it's full glory soon!


Anonymous said...

How many vacation days?

gfygrl said...

not as many as WU - only downfall so far...
