what am i up to?

Saturday, November 15, 2008


okay - as if the fact that we've been fighting the flea battle for a month now. now both cats have worms (tapeworm we suspect).

we swear frontline is a crock - it's not working hardly at all. they've both been frontlined twice and bathed in flea shampoo twice and we keep cleaning and vacuming and using flea spray on the furniture and dammit they just keep showing up! only rolen's spot checks for fleas seem to come out clean.

bailey even had a shot that was supposed to kill everything on her at that moment - but if anything jumped back on her when she got home, it wouldn't kill that. that was on election day. and now she and sandy both have worms.

i've locked each of them up in a room with a litter box - because of course these things happen on saturday evening or sunday when the vet is closed. have to call the vet first thing monday, AGAIN!

why me?


Anonymous said...



gfygrl said...

imagine how i felt when i was all minding my own business watching kung fu panda and these things start coming out of bailey's butt at me...

i know. tmi. but still!