what am i up to?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

election's over...

so - how bout that britney and kfed break up??


Anonymous said...

She must have seen him making an ass out of himself on WWE:Raw.

gfygrl said...

i'm really surprised more of the media outlets aren't all over that joke of a career choice. it's never mentioned...

however - my husband said pretty much the same thing. so the fact that you and he share this opinion kinda frightens me...

Anonymous said...

This was the third thing mom told me this morning ("Claire McCaskill won!" "The stem-cell research won!" "Britney filed for divorce!"). At least she has priorities. :)

Last night was fun! Let me know if/when you want to see Marie Antoinette. I think it's at the Tivoli -- I'm fond of matinees/rush hour shows (i.e., the cheap shows).


Anonymous said...

Why does that frighten you? Your husband is obviously a great guy, otherwise you wouldn't have married him. I am a great guy myself, thus we would have similar interests such as the male soap opera of wrestling!