what am i up to?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

can you say "ignorant"?

this is the absolute most ignorant thing i have EVER heard and totally disrespectful to those of us in the world who would love to have children (or more children) and can't for reasons that are out of our control and part of god's plan for our lives.

i don't think i can even begin to list the many, many ways in which the fact that someone thinks this is right and that other people agree with him - makes me sick...


tim said...

I just had it pointed out that the people trying to pass this are only doing so because they want it to get shot down by the supreme court as unconstitutional. Thus making a precedent that government should not make rules about marriage and procreation.

Basically they are trying to cause a backlash.

gfygrl said...

i know but i still think it's the wrong way to go about things. i mean - it could backfire on them. what if it passes and ISN'T ruled unconstitutional? what are they going to say to those people who can't have kids - oops?

tim said...

Oh I realize it's stupid. But at least the people proposing it don't agree with the idea...

The fact that someone out there actually might think it was a good idea appalls me.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about you; I'm so sorry to hear that. :(
