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Friday, March 02, 2007

this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"....

good morning and welcome to "why you won't be my next american idol." i'm your host - karen seacrest.

let's get things started with a lovely number that was never intended to be sung by 20 people at once...

on second thought - let's not...

before we go any further though - can someone PLEASE put some superglue on paula's chair? she just can't stay seated! she stands when someone performs. she stands when they finish. she stands when randy speaks. she sits for her comments and then stands back up when simon speaks. and then feels the need to stand and talk to ryan while he's trying to review the number. for crying out loud! if she keeps this up - once they get to the big theater - there's going to be trouble. it's bad enough that the people behind the her will have to try to see over her hair - but if she keeps standing it will be a real visual obstacle for them...

moving on. we have some people to send packing - never to be heard from again...

today - we say good-bye to Nicholas Pedro. nick - you won't be my next american idol because america just doesn't like a quitter - and they won't vote for one. sure - you made it further this year than last year. and you didn't quit this year. jeff said maybe the third time will be a charm - but on behalf of america - i beg you - please don't try the theory...

leaving us tonight is also Alaina Alexander. alaina - you won't be my next american idol because you and Amy Krebs are kinda a lot alike in my eyes - and we didn't keep her around either...

also getting the boot is AJ Tabaldo. aj - you won't be my next american idol because the mysterious "initials for a name" thing really isn't as cool as some people think it is. besides - you really remind me of RJ Helton from season one - and he didn't win either...

finally - walking her way on home is Leslie Hunt. leslie - you won't be my next american idol because your boots were made for walkin (dogs) - and that's just what they'll do and if you stuck around simon was just gonna walk all over you...

and for the record - i refuse to believe that skinny jeans and stilettos or skirts and cropped leggings are really making a comeback. where is stacy and clinton when you need them? come on ladies - let's start picking outfits that look good and go with the song and the way you are going to perform it...

until next week when we send four more packing taking us to the coveted top 12 - i am karen seacrest. out.

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