what am i up to?

Friday, May 18, 2007

season/series finale review

7th heaven - i haven't been watching most of the year because the season just got really bad. and it ended really bad too. i mean - really - i don't care HOW BIG the motorhome is - there is no way you can get 20 people in it comfortably for an unspecified amount of time...

gilmore girls - at least they got luke and lorelai back on track and i can pretend that they floated off into the sunset on his boat for the summer.

but the episode needed at least one mrs. kim outburst and one funny scene with sabastian bach....

criminal minds - i missed the first five minutes and was forever lost after that...

ugly betty - i hate cliff hangers! you know daniel and alexis aren't dead. cause there's no show without daniel. i'm not sure what to think of amanda being fey's daughter other than that means that bradford is probably her father which means that daniel slept with his sister and amanda was in love with her brother. EWW! in a way the killing santos off thing kinda shocked me. but since i never liked him at all - i'm okay with it - except for what it's going to do to poor little gay justin...

csi - i was a little disappointed. they've been leading up to this all season and all we get is a mentally disturbed former foster child who can remember every room she sees after only a couple of seconds?? not at all what i expected. and they left us with a cliff hanger too - which i can't STAND. not to mention the emotional stress it gives us to try and kill off ANOTHER csi. only this time it's worse cause they left it open and we don't know what happens. (i heard a rumor that the actress who plays sarah may be in dispute with the show again - maybe she won't be back). but really - i can't take anymore tv related stress people!!

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