what am i up to?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


i think it's really unfair that the ugly dog that won best of show in westminster last night also won best of show at the dog show that was sponsored by purina on thanksgiving day.  once you win the title - you shouldn't be allowed to compete for the same title with a different sponsor.  give the other doggies a shot.

i mean - once miss usa gives up her crown - she doesn't get to compete for miss america - does she?

and further more - that dog highly resembles the alien from the alien movies.  especially in the head.  the egg shape.  gives me the heeby geebies.  

i would have rather seen the dalmation win...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Bull Terriers aren't THAT ugly. Spuds and the Target dog are both Bull Terriers.

And I actually kind of like the coloring on him. The brown is cute.

Now mind you, I didn't watch the show. I just looked up a news report because I wanted to see what the ugly dog was. So I have no idea what the competition looked like. Dalmations are cute though.

I should know :D