what am i up to?

Friday, May 19, 2006

dear writers of csi

could we have just one season finale where we aren't totally stressed out about someone in the show only to get our happy ending at the end.  i mean - i know it ends the way we want and all.

but last year nickie - this year brass.  i can't take any more close to death calls with tthe cast!!!

oh - grissom and sarah - not a shocker - that's a long time coming.

if it were grissom and katherine - that would be a shocker...


Anonymous said...

Yes, that was a shocker. However, the last few episodes they've had some weird "looks" and "moments".

I wonder when exactly this relationship started? I want to say at least 5 episodes ago...

gfygrl said...

actually it's been hinted at in subtle ways for the past few years. almost since the beginning.

here lately though i was almost expecting her to hook up with greg...

Anonymous said...

Actually Sarah liking him has not been subtle at all. She asked Gris out point blank and he turned her down.

That's when she started drinking heavily and got the DUI.

They've only recently started having those "shared moments". I was wondering if they were filmed that way to make you notice Gris noticing her only to have her hook up with Greg and Gris be too late.

Thus heightening the sexual tension in the office (which is GREAT for ratings).

I am waiting for Warrick to cheat on his wife with Katherine. After her confession of having a fantasy about him coupled with his maritial problems, it seems a likely plot device...