what am i up to?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

holy idol batman! it's kelly clarkson!!

last nite i went to the kelly clarkson concert out at riverport. and it's still riverport. i don't care if the sign does say umb bank pavilion. anywho.

i went to the kelly clarkson concert. it's been about a million years since i went to a concert. i'm getting mighty old for it as i am a zombie today.

i'm happy to say that kelly clarkson is just as good live as she is on the radio or tv. often you go to a concert and they suck live. kelly didn't suck. she sounded good. and she bounces around a lot. i don't know how she does it and doesn't collapse at the end of the night.

we sat in the harrah's star box which was pretty cool. we had vip parking and vip bracelets. and people waiting on us - which would have been super cool if we didn't have to pay for it. but whatever. there were 18 rows between our seats and the stage. i'm far too old to be sitting on the lawn anymore. i like to be able to actually SEE that who they say is on the stage is on the stage.

i've heard some things lately about people saying that kelly is getting chubby - well she looked fine to me. sure. she's got a little belly. and a bootie. but it's healthy curves. she looked healthy.

her hair is brown again. and cut kinda shorter. it looked good. way better than as a blonde.

she didn't sing either of the 2 songs that she had to record as a result of winning on idol. and she didn't mention idol at all either. maybe she is trying to distance herself from the show but i think it's smart. ruben and fantasia pretty much tanked in their career - even if fantasia does have a movie coming out on lifetime on her life. by distancing herself she's trying to stay afloat as a REAL artist and not some girl that won a reality tv contest.

there were so many little girls there! and teeny boppers. my favorite was the group of girls crowding around the kelly clarkson banner tied to the fence. you could practically narrate the conversation from afar. "oohoohooh! let's crowd around the banner and take our picture with kelly! crowd in closer. with kelly in the middle. it will look like we met her. maybe no one will notice that her head is 3 times bigger than ours."

it was cute when the 10 year olds did it. but after a group of 16 year olds did the same thing at the next banner down - it was kinda lame.

kelly sang 2 songs out in the crowd. the last 2. did all of break away from the center of the seats. and then started since you been gone there and went through the aisles as she sang before finishing on the stage. she walked down the steps 2 boxes away - so i was maybe within 30 feet of her. which was still pretty cool.

nina was pretty mad that i didn't take her. but we brought her home a t-shirt which once again secured my status as best mom ever...

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