what am i up to?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

this week's new feature - karen's confessions...

this week i'm going to start a new feature called "karen's confessions".  this feature is where i will humiliate myself by confessing a deep, dark secret of mine that none of you ever knew - and will probably wish you never did....

last weekend - i wasted 2 hours on a really bad made for tv lifetime type movie that chronicled the life of suzanne sommers and even though i knew it was really bad after about 10 minutes of it - i just couldn't help myself and kept watching until the end...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, it's good knowing I have company in bad TV habits. I'm a sucker for those horrible VH1 shows like "Best Week Ever" and "Fabulous Life Of." (How else will I know what Posh Spice and Becks are up to??) ;) Kristine

gfygrl said...

brain candy kristine - it's all brain candy...

and best week ever is a quality show!