what am i up to?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

idea for a new reality show...

it stars me...

and i'm a prospective employee...

and i am interviewing prospective employers, spending time in their offices, seeing how they behave with others in their natural habitat, giving them challenges, plastering them with booze, etc.

and then i meet with my - i dunno - headhunter guy - and together we talk about each employer and how great they are or sucky they seem...

and then i hold a ceremony where i give each prospective employer except for one a business card with my name on it and tell they that they are still in the running toward becoming the next source of my income...

and one by one - I REJECT THEM until i'm down to the last two potential employers....

and then i get to decide who is worthy of my efforts and who can go back to the bottom of the prospective pool and start interviewing with someone new all over again....

i'm telling you. it's a totally great, money making, emmy winning, brilliant idea...

who wants to help me pitch it to vh1?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it -- you need a catch phrase, like, "Here's your pink slip" (or something more creative than that).
