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Thursday, March 09, 2006

this week on "why you won't be my next american idol"...

on this week's very special episode...

we celebrate kinnik sky. kinnik - you will not be my next american idol because - well - jeff says you look like you used to be a guy. he finds it scary. you give him the heeby geebies. in a bad way. however - hollywood will come a knockin if they film a sequal to transamerica....

we celebrate will makar. will - you will not be my next american idol because - aside from the fact that you look like peter brady and he already has a reality show - there are just too many jokes that go along with your name - such as "he's just such a willy maker..." - it's just not good for the kiddies....

we celebrate ayla brown. ayla - you will not be my next american idol because - your just too darn skinny. i don't like skinny girls. it's not healthy. a girl over 6 feet tall shouldn't weigh under 100 pounds. i've seen olympic gymnasts with more meat on their bones. and speaking of meat - sweetie - sit your self down and have a steak and some taters. it's good for ya...

and finally we celebrate gedeon mckinney. gedeon - you will not be my next american idol because your smile scares me. it resembles that of a clown. we all know how i feel about clowns. clowns are scary. very scary. and abnormal. i do however think you would be great in a revival of jesus christ superstar as judas...

until next week when we start hacking at the final twelve - karen. out.


Anonymous said...

Is there a good way to give heebie jeebies?

Will would have been disqualified in my book for doing that double point thing in his promo photo.

Also, there are women out there that are just skinny. They can't help it. Most of them would probably love to have some humps, some lovely lady lumps. (The grass is always greener)

JEEBUS MURRAY AND OPETH! Slap a "Not Safe For Sanity" warning before you link to something that scary. He doesn't resemble a clown so much as an anime character when they exaggerate the size of the characters mouth for humorous purposes.... either way...it's frightening.

gfygrl said...

which one was so scary it needed a warning??

Anonymous said...

gedeon. *shudder*

gfygrl said...

did you look at kinnik - she's way scarier...

Anonymous said...

I looked at them all...I just find Mr. Mouth to be slightly scarier.