what am i up to?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

diet - week....i lost track...

this week's diet update.  jeff got rid of the four pounds that were hanging about after birthday and easter and everything else.  his total weight loss is now 8 pounds.

my weigh in this week revealed that my total weight loss is 9 pounds.  plus i moved a notch down on my belt.  plus 3 people yesterday told me that i was really looking good.

bailey the new kitty is adjusting to the house nicely.  she and sandy are still establishing their rolls of who gets to be queen.  last night they kept fighting over who gets the beloved space on the couch against the open window.  

bailey's really sweet - but i'd like her more if she realized that roaming the house at 2:30 in the morning howling just wasn't cool...

other news - jeff gave me my birthday gift over the weekend.  it's 3 weeks early.  but that's okay.  it's a shinny blue 06 equinox!  shitty car bedamned!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to remind El Jeffe that my birthday is coming up in June...

gfygrl said...

so sad, too bad.

if you want a new car you'll have to take out your own loan. we're not independantly wealthy you know...

as much as i'd like to be....

Anonymous said...

Congrats. guess this means you need a new antenna ball.

- tph

gfygrl said...

you stay AWAY from my car and any antenna balls it may or may not have mister!