what am i up to?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

happy easter! diet update

happy easter everyone!

as you all know - i started dieting on ash wednesday. i gave up mickeyd's for breakfast. started drinking 8 glasses of water a day. occassional strength training exercises. cardio here and there. trying not to go over a certain calorie limit each day (although i failed at the ball game - i admit it - but i had extra calories leftover from the day before which makes it seem like my going over wasn't as bad as it was).

as of this morning, my official lenten weight loss is 8 pounds.

jeff's weight loss hasn't been as wonderful - but we'll get there. he's recently taken up drinking diet dew and tea with equal. baby steps are good.

so happy easter everyone. i'm going to reward myself with a tiny 140 calorie chocolate bunny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy easter! :)
I've already ate my candy. (I got it last weekend when I was in town.)