what am i up to?

Friday, April 28, 2006

i met, uh, elvis??

i was on my way back from the first of several trips to the potty today when i was forced into a picture with elvis.

i didn't want to. but they made me. said something about my pink top being complimentary.

i really do work. i swear. it's not all american idol brackets and - um - wannabee celeberities.

although, today someone awarded me the honor of one of people magazine's "100 Most Exciting Alumni House Employees." i was honored until i realized that there are only about 60 people in the building...

anyway - they assure me this elvis thing was for a legit work function. i'm not entirely sure.

so - let's figure out if any good can come of this. do i look 9 pounds skinnier??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't see you before but you are looking pretty good to me :)