what am i up to?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

this week on "why you won't be my next american idol",,,

we celebrate mandisa. mandisa - you won't be my next american idol because somewhere in america there must have been a big storm that knocked out all cable, power, telephone, and text messaging services allowing all of your true die hard fans not to be able to vote. the same storm also must have redirected all of the votes cast for you to bucky. and those who were insane enough not to vote for you and vote for bucky intentionally - are just big gooberheads.

it's the only possible explaination that makes ANY sense at all.

other than that - the only think i can say about you is that the "know me by my first name alone" thing has already been done twice - a third time would just be overkill...

i can't say anything really negative about mandisa. us big girls have to stick together....

and you can't get me to admit that bucky was any good the other nite. cause he wasn't. i won't admit it and you can't make me.

until next week when we watch ace try and be more like constantine with another rendition of bohemian rapsody - karen. out. gooberheads.


Anonymous said...

This American Idol obsession concerns me. Poor Jeff

- tph

Anonymous said...

CBS is the only network that matters... All hail CBS.